26 January 2022

James Hadfield presents on the Triple Point Webinar

Ener-Vate's Development Manager, James Hadfield discussed the planning and design considerations needed for heat pump projects as a speaker on the Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management 'Heat Pumps in Hear Networks' webinar recently.

An online event attended by highly engaged individuals from various industry sectors goes to show once more the ever-growing interest in one of the key options for delivering low-carbon heating to decarbonise UK energy mixture.

"Heating accounts for about 37% of total UK carbon emissions when including industrial processes." - Energy Systems Catapult

James said "It was really exciting to see the amount of interest in this field. I was glad to present some of the active work Ener-Vate is delivering in Liverpool to showcase the complexities and considerations involved in the successful delivery of this low-carbon alternative"