Ener-Vate has many years of experience working with social housing providers and understands in-depth this sector's needs.

Our services to the social housing industry include:

  • Assistance in understanding the low carbon options available on different types of property to include new builds and also the existing stock.
  • Development of low carbon schemes utilising heat pumps or low carbon heat from external sources to provide low cost and secure heat to residents whilst balancing this with the low carbon drivers of the government and housing providers.
  • Heat mapping to identify clusters of properties that may be suitable for a district heat network.
  • Commercial modelling of possible low schemes to identify potential investment opportunities.
  • Support with funding applications which may be available to support the delivery of low carbon schemes, i.e. Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF)
  • Procurement of an ESCo (Energy Services Company) and support legal team on structure documents.
  • Support with tenant engagement and communication plans.
  • Project management of the low carbon scheme and ongoing management of the asset.
  • Source external funding and ESCo operators if required.

For examples of Social Housing projects we have worked on, visit our Case Studies.

Not sure where to start? Contact us and we will be in touch to discuss your project requirements! 

How can we help you?

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